Laying the Foundation for Healthier SEO and Conversion Results
Uqora, a company that specializes in urinary tract health products, wanted to refine digital marketing and define a process for eventual redesign for their enterprise Shopify Plus e-commerce store. They asked us to audit and refine their employee discount promotion rules in Shopify Plus, refine upsell and cross-sell personlization rules in ReBuy and streamline subscription rules in ReCharge. We conducted a detailed landing page audit of hundreds of landing pages identifying several missing link references to help them refine their navigation structure and SEO resulting in higher page rank in search results. We also reviewed their analytics and created detailed Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and Looker reports to help the marketing team find anomalies for specific date ranges to improve source attribution for revenue (or loss) during those times. We defined a process with a detailed development roadmap to help their marketing and development teams strategize their Shopify Plus store theme redesign, including mapping all custom codes, tracking pixels and other assets.